Redesigning your kitchen? Here are some dos and don’ts.
There are so many things to consider when planning your kitchen makeover that even knowing where to start may seem like a daunting task. The kitchen is so much more than a functional room nowadays. It’s the center of the home, a gathering place and not just somewhere you cook. Before you get underway, you first need to ask yourself a few questions so you understand what you want from the room:
- Will you be expanding your family?
- What kind of activities take place in your kitchen?
- Do you ever work from home?
- How often do you entertain?
- Do you need countertop space for other activities like homework or arts and crafts?
- How much worksurface do you need to store your kitchen accessories?
Once you’ve gained clarity on what you want, it’s time to consider some important dos and don’ts:
Don’t underestimate how much storage space you need:
No one has ever complained that they have too much storage space. It’s all well and good planning space for a huge oven because you love baking, but where will all of the muffin trays and cake tins go when they’re not in use? Also, remember that while glass fronts on your cupboards may seem like a fantastic idea at the time, you will need some storage space that can hide away cereal boxes and appliances that you don’t use every day.
Do plan for rubbish:
This is a big one, especially for people who entertain often and it’s something that can easily be overlooked. When preparing big meals, you need to have a way to dispose of garbage easily. Plan a space for your bin or design one into your cabinets. Think about incorporating one of these Franke Waste Disposal Systems to get rid of organic waste effortlessly and make cleaning up a breeze.
Don’t choose a design that will date:
While we are not advocating for a soulless, all-white design, we do recommend considering how easy it will be to update the room in the future. Think about how badly the kitchens of the 80s and 80s have aged and remember to consider how difficult it will be to change a bold design choice in a few years. Stamp your personality on a room with wallpaper or paint as they can be updated relatively easily.
Do consider everyone:
When you’re designing your kitchen, think about everyone who will use it. Although one person may cook more or you have young children now, if you don’t take everyone’s height and build into consideration or plan for the future, you will find that the kitchen won’t work for the whole family. You may have a young child now, but do you have space at the breakfast nook for a 6ft teenager? Have you thought about where your cat’s food bowl will go? All of these things need to be included in your plans or you could find your family tripping over poorly thought out design elements.
Redoing your kitchen is a massive undertaking, but if you think it through carefully, you can avoid much of the stress associated with renovations. Visit one of our showrooms and check out the gorgeous kitchen fittings on display to get inspired!